The Wednesday Guest Lecture
October 20th 2021
Second year, Willow Fisher

.Use of everyday objects, materials around transactions and everyday life.
.Studied in Mexico for his BA in the late 80's, spent the 90's doing his masters somewhere else (can’t hear where he said) was a very exciting time for him. Says that during his MA he was in an earlier stage of the development of his art practice. Working alongside other art students influenced him and his practice.

.These are taxonomies and classifications of the coin wrappers, rolls of paper that have a certain amount of money on them.
.What appeals to me most about this piece of work is the minimalist values it holds. He has collected everyday objects and positioned them into a new context, it reminisces the ready made, perhaps this holds some qualities to it. He has used the material of it, recycling it.
.This is my favourite series of work from the lecture. Collecting items is a primary theme in his work. These coin wrappers standing alone framed have I think the same impact as his previous works that contain more than one.

Overall I found this lecture informing. It is always interesting to be introduced to artist that have a different art practice to you, and in this case with Gabriel Kuri he works with objects w=to create sculptures that are reproductions of things he has experienced. The materials used and how he uses them are compulsive, using the likes of cement and a skip in his work. In doing this he is transforming the objects introducing them to the art world so it can be acknowledged alternatively.
If I were to change anything about this Wednesday guest lecture then I would have perhaps liked to have heard more about the production of some of his pieces. For example with this work below. It’s a giant version of his credit card, achieved with technique called vacuum forming, which is used a lot for street signs.
.He likes that he can learn about a technique, techniques open up new possibilities. Perhaps he could have gone into further detail on it, how long did it take? Did he make practice ones before this? What message is there behind it?
.Just a general more in depth explanation on some of his work. But other than that it was interesting as it is different.
