The Wednesday Guest Lecture
November 3rd 2021
Second year, Willow Fisher

First of all I would like to say that this has been my favourite Wednesday Guest Lecture of the whole course including sessions from the previous year. I found it refreshing to have a different representation provided to us from the guest speakers and thoroughly appreciated that I found the artists relatable. Being apart of the LGBTQ+ community myself it is gratifying to recognise artists and presenters talking about the work they have produced representing this and speak so passionately. Its highly significant to see representation.

For the fifth Wednesday Guest Lecture of this semester we were introduced to Jessica and Catra, the pioneers of the independent magazine "Girls Like Us", which has been running successfully for over fifteen years. During the presentation the two introduced themselves to us along with the journey of the magazine. Girls Like Us is a queer feminist publication that has been around for 15 years. First issue was released in 2005. Over the years graphic designers have changed and the format of the magazine has changed, says it changed a bit content wise.
If I were to make a suggestion then I would have liked to have a slightly different format to the lecture. It was informative in explaining the background and progression of the magazine, but I think the way in which they presented it took away a part of the art to it. For example they went through the alphabet as a means of introducing different themes and topics covered in their work, although this was especially instructive I found it quite repetitive and long winded.

On the other hand, the depth of the work and explanations did appeal to me which I really appreciated as I like to fully understand what is being presented to me and make notes, so that was helpful. I admire the confidence the two have and the determination to make their opinions and ideas be heard and work through the magazine which is very successful.
I think from this I have taken in a more mature mindset, there aren't limitations to what you can produce. As of yet I haven't incorporated my own sexual orientation in many of my works because I find it to be something personal to me, but leaving this lecture has influenced me to perhaps try it out in future works. In doing this I think I will be creating a significant link between me and the artwork, conveying a personal inclusion making the work that more intimate. I have definitely found this lecture informative and inspiring. I will also try to read some of the issues of the magazine.
